Attorney Et Al, LLC is creating the very first social media site for lawyers by providing advertisement services which neither Facebook nor Twitter can offer.

Attorney Et Al uses both its technology and expertise in legal education to create a social media site for attorneys which will offer free continuing legal education to attorneys as well as free web sites and email, discussion boards as well as a place for attorneys to post articles, Attorney Et Al having developed continuing online legal education now will give its courses away free to attorneys along with the other services so as to generate traffic to the site.

In addition to free cle courses and web sites, Attorney Et Al provides a discussion forum as well as a site for attorneys to post articles. Such a service is currently be doing by but it does not offer the free cle or free or web site. The significance of the free social media attributes is that is allows Lawyers to showcase their services to potential clients By posting their articles or participating in discussion boards they can advertise their professionalism and legal expertise which can then generate more business. Other Lawyers and potential clients can see their articles.

Success in the venture is premised on Attorney et Al turning its CLE site into a free social media site by combining its continuing legal education site with the social media functions similar to those of Facebook as well with the discussion group and article posts fictions. In short we will offer services free to attorneys that is simply not being offered by anyone else.

Why should lawyers use social media marketing?

Social Media is one of the most popular tools for potential client to find service provides, including lawyers.

Should Lawyers Use Social Media?

Social Media is not just a way to find new clients, it’s also a great tool to engage with your existing clients and a powerful tool to close deals with leads generated from other marketing efforts

How to Advertise Law Frim with Social Media.

Building a quality profile highlighting your skills and accomplishments is a good first step. Publishing relevant and useful information will help you attract more leads.