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The election is over and the best man won. The election was no inevitable in the beginning but was so in the end. Many people employed deception and outright lies to prevent Donald Trump’s victory but in the end THE BEST MAN WON

This was not a race of one politician against another or even a race of one man against a woman but rather a race of one individualist against a party machine.

In Donald Trump both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party had the candidate that they truly desired and wanted DONALD TRUMP. The experts, pundits and apologists have forgotten and hope that the American People have also forgotten, the absolute glee and euphoria which prevailed among liberals and Democratic Party, when Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination. Before then the fear that prevailed in the back rooms of the Democratic party was that Nikki Halley or another “mainstream” and “electable” person would be the Republican standard bearer.

The articles by the Democratic elite before Trump convention expressed the fear that someone other than Donald Trump would come forward to be the Republican candidate. It was the unshakable wisdom at the time that Joe Biden would beat Trump without raising a sweat.

When Trump cemented the nomination, the liberal universe was ecstatic. Then with every indictment, lawsuit, conviction and appeal thrown against DONALD TRUMP, the elation with him as the Republican candidate increased among Democrats.

Only when the Biden’s mental acuity because a serious liability did the Democratic machine start to question a Biden win. Then following a disastrous debate it dawned on to the party machine, that Biden could not be its candidate.

It was at this point that the machine exerted itself in a conventional move to preserve the win. The machine decided to appoint a candidate rather than have a convention select the candidate. It has been speculate that party leaders actually asked Biden to stay in the race until it was too late for anyone to amount an effective challenge for the nomination. The party machine then would appoint the candidate and as it would be too late for anyone to mount a effectuate challenge, the party’s candidate would be anointed at the convention

By doing it this way the Democratic Party Machine could reinvent itself as the savior of America following its disastrous 2008 defeat where it had officially supported Hillary Clinton only to have her rejected at the convention To assure that the Democratic Machine had the right candidate the person had to meet several criteria:

1. The candidate had to be a person the Party could absolutely control. This meant a person without a power base, with no practical experience and without a history of independent action. This ruled out the most popular Democratic Gavin Newsom but fully described Kamala Harris.

Before the Biden announced his withdrawal from the race, there was speculation that Kamala Harris would be replaced as Biden's vice president. At that time, she was not on most of the lists of the top five candidates for democratic stand bearers

2. The candidate needed to endorse and embrace the Biden agenda. Being Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris’s only substantive record derives from her affiliation with the Biden Administration. The Democratic machine needed the Biden Administration to continue and having Harris as a candidate eliminated the possibility of an opposing candidate objecting to the agenda and offering a change.

3. The candidate had to be of a minority and being: black, Asian and a woman was a trifecta. The party leaders actually cemented their chose by having black leaders threaten that if she was not the nominee that they would not support the Democrats. An incredible ploy by the party leaders because designed to prevent anyone specifically Newsom from challenging their anointment at the convention.

Well the Democratic Machine got their candidate and ran the campaign the way it wanted and spent a billion dollars and then all that – LOST

Why did the Democratic machine lose? It had the candidate that it wanted. It had the Republican candidate that it wanted, it had a billion bucks to spend and it had the Biden Agenda to run on, so the party leaders thought that it could not lose

The Democratic machine did not thought that 208 was an aberration and did not understand or appreciate that today the American People are not sheep and that they as a whole no longer rely solely on that the main stream media and democratic stooges for the information on which to base their votes. Americans can think and decide for themselves when they have the facts. Is it not interesting that the Democrats asked people to vote but not to vote after they have considered the candidates? The Democratic machine assumed that it had four guaranteed paths to victory:

1. Women: The Democratic machine thought that all women would vote for Harris simply because she was a woman. To further that belief, it had Harris run on the abortion issue which is no longer a federal issue by solely a state issue. So 44% of all women voters meaning those not black split the ticket where abortion was an issue on a state election, and then voted for Donald Trump and delivered the election to him.

Non black women actually found Harris wanting on the most issues of the election – the economy and immigration.

In the end of her campaign Harris was not even addressing issues and not stating what she would do. Her campaign had degenerated to that of just calling Trump as a fascist and Nazi. It is undeniably true that Trump was attacking her personally as well but he was also pushing his agenda at the same time.

The fact was that non black women expected something more from Harris at least quite dignity, they were turned off and turned to Trump who not one has ever complemented for having quite dignity but he did recognize the driving issues of the election: the economy and immigration and had proposals for both set forth for all to consider and non black women did consider and approve.

2. Minorities With Harris being black, the democratic machine assumed that she would carry, as Obama had, the black vote and other minorities as well. The black vote went overwhelmingly to Harris as expected. Some black men who understood how the Biden Administration policies have not helped then broke with Harris and voted for Trump. They were not alone 45 % of Hispanic voters went for Trump. This was not an election based on race but one based on class with voters concerned with economic survival and immigration. Instead of handing minorities an economic life line, they we handed by Harris the same Biden Administration anchor which had been sinking them

3. Trump. The Democratic machine believed Trump was his own worst enemy. The democratic opposition engaged in a new form of political activity “LAWFARE” where a party misuses the legal process to detsry the credibility and candidacy of an opponent. The democratic machine had four different criminal cases filed against Trump. All brought by democratic prosecutors and both recognized and ignored as such by the majority of American voters.

Democrats brought legal actions in many states and even succeeded in Colorado for a time in removing Trump from the ballot in their attempts to deny voters their right to vote for candidate of their choice in the name of Democratic party’s perceived definition of democracy.

The Biden Administration's Justice department illegally appointed a special prosecutor to bring insurrection charges against Trump. Those charges were dismissed by the Federal Judge who found that there was legal authority to file the charges. The dismissal was appealed to the 11 th Circuit to keep the issue before the voters during the election.

In Georgia, a local prosecutor filed election interference charges for the 2020 election which is on hold while the Georgia appeals court considers the case

The Last is the New York case where Trump was convicted for 31 felonies for paying Stormy Daniels was as bizarre in concept as it is in result. Trump was convicted in a New York court for violating a federal election law in not disclosing 2016 payments to Stormy Daniels. Trump claimed that the payments were for her books rights, whereas New York claimed they were for her silence on the affairs that they had. The payments for whatever reason were not illegal illegal under neither New York or Federal. It would be illegal under federal election law if the payments were not disclosed as an election expense. The Biden Administration investigated and chose not to prosecute. There is no known legal authority or precedence which allows a local district attorney to file a criminal complaint for a federal agency which decides not to do so itself absent specific congressional approval. This conviction is so novel that it will probably be overturned on appeal but the was not the real point, The intent was to malign Trump’s character before the election and being able to call him a convicted felon. I assumed that of the appeal court exonerates Trump that the Democratic will will then call him the exonerated ex felon.

As Trump’s attorneys gradually prevailed in the four cases through appeals, dismissals or delays, the American people had time to fully see what was happening. Instead of becoming a pariah, the American People began to respect him and supported him as the underdog although Trump himself never considered himself the underdog

4. The MEDIA. Most of the main stream media and the majority of polls have shown sleeveless as being supportive of the democratic machine. The IOWA poll released the weekend before the election incredibly showed a three point lead for Harris. Virtually every non Republican poll in the weeks before the election either had Harris ahead or tied. Nate Silver was one of the few pollster who publicly questions the polls showing a tied race had Trump winning. The media played up the Nostradamus Guru who claimed to have missed
only one election in 40 years and who declared the win for Harris. What was next for the Democratic machine, tea leaves or the entrails of a goat?


Each one of the guaranteed paths of victory of the Democratic machine failed because this is America 2024 not American 1930,

The majority of Americans wanted answers to the problems facing them: Immigration and the economy, The majority compared the platforms of the Donald Trump with the failed Biden policies advanced by the machine and made their decision. Kamala Harris did not lose the elction the democratic machine did

So the best man won Donald Trump because he was the only man running the other candidate was not a woman but the personification of a political machine

Michael Lynn Gabriel