Military Time Converter to convert military time to standard time and vice versa. 24 hour time converter will convert military time to regular time instantly as you type. The primary purpose of a Military Time chart is to create a simple link between both the military time and regular time formats. It is similar to any other conversion table that bridges two quantities on a common parameter. As per a general rule, military time lacks the time separator (dot or colon) present between the hour and minutes. In addition, the way of spelling each is different too. While military format requires saying the leading zero, regular time format has done away with it. An Army Time chart serves the purpose of converting one time format into the other that complies with the standard guidelines. That being said, if it is 2200 military time or “twenty-two hundred hours”, simply subtract 1200, add a colon between the hours and minutes, and attach a PM to the end. You add a PM to the end of any military time 1200 or greater. You can find a simple reference for 2200 below and additional information for each minute from 2200 – 2259 military time through an easy-to-read chart. In countries like the United States of America and Canada, the concept of military time is extensively used. In fact, it is regarded as the synonym for the 24 hour clock. Converting military time to standard is fairly simple once you learn. Knowing how to read military time is a great skill to have. If you ever find yourself in a country where the military is used, knowing how to read and covert will make your travels easy.
Harvey Solano
joined 1 year, 7 months ago -
joined 5 years, 7 months ago