Gematria’s numerology is based on adding the letter values of a word or a given name. This Gematria computation involves adding up the values assigned to each letter in accordance with the Gematria table. One of the most common examples of gematria is the word “chai” (חי) in Hebrew. Chai means life and is made up of two letters “chet” and “yod”. Together they produce a sum of 18 and this has become a positive spiritual number. However, the most common use of gematria is to obtain a more spiritual understanding of a religious text. The exact meaning drawn from gematria depends on a person’s individual beliefs. An ancient version of gematria was a fully developed mathematical system that used words to reveal sums that they intended future readers to discover. Many years ago I went to a website that had a Gematria calculator. You could type in any hebrew word and it would tell you the numerical value of the word.
Selma Swett
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