The Precise Time Department (PTD) part of the U.S Naval Observatory has maintained a Time Service Department since 1880. Modern electronic systems like navigation depend heavily on precise time and time interval (PTTI) and work from what we now call the USNO Master clock. Converting from Military time to 12-hour (AM/PM) time is a straight-forward equation with the hour format (HH), and minute format (MM) and a few military notations. Since you can now read military time like a cadet, it’s time to talk like one too. Speaking military time is just as important as reading and calculating it. This is how the army, hospitals, first responders, and all industries that use military time clearly distinguish time. For instance, 0333 can be read as zero-three hundred thirty-three hours. Manually converting military time isn’t difficult but requires basic math. Once you get used to working in military time, using the 12 hour clock feels wrong. There is definitely an adjustment period, but once you master it, you will never look back. The difference between 4 am and 4 pm in military time is twelve hours. To find more about homepage stop by our own site. You can visualize this difference by seeing how 4 am and 4 pm are written using military time below. You can always get yourself a simple military time chart, such as the one below, to reference until writing military time becomes second nature for you. Sometimes military time is referred to as “24 Hour Time” and this system eliminates the need for “am” and “pm”. Because of the simple time concepts used it allows for less confusion and is the time reference choice of military communities, medical field and also the scientific fields! It has become the choice and more of the universal time as many parts of the world utilize this time telling method. Places like Philippines, Germany, Australia, India and many others use and understand military time. Complete a separate Estimated Earnings During Military Service request form, RI for each branch of service.
Horacio Roman
joined 1 year, 10 months ago -
joined 5 years, 9 months ago