• Herskind Archer posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    Hoy te quiero compartir estos datos que nos proporcionó Accenture desde una encuesta a más de 6,000 consumidores en once países y nos dan una idea de las tendencias sobre la adquisición de seguros en Internet. The above rights of access, correction, deletion, limitation, objection and portability cánido be exercised directly by the holder of the data or through a legal representative or volunteer, by sending a written communication, with proof of their identity, to protecciondedatos@ or by post to Apartado de Correos nº 61076, la villa de Madrid 28080.

    Pero Usted puede asistirnos en esta pelea. 9. Obtener un costo más bajo y contratar un servicio más personalizado son los primordiales motivos para mudar de compañía aseguradora, como prueba el hecho de que el ochenta y siete por cien y el 80 por cien , respectivamente. This policy offers a diverse range of products, which come with the guarantee of a prestigious Swiss insurance group, for those who want to earn high returns on their money and ensure their future.

    Bankia will not provide data to third parties, except (i) to fulfil a legal obligation, (ii) when it is necessary in order to render the service or carry out the request, in which case the user will be informed of the provision of their data beforehand, or (iii) when the user has provided their prior consent, and has been informed of both the identify or category of the third-party recipients and the type of data that is to be provided, by marking a box in the forms or web tools in which their data is collected.

    Estamos encantados con haberles confiado nuestros seguros a ustedes y por el servicio rápido, agradable y eficiente. Tenemos contratados una amplia gama de servicios, incluyendo el hogar, coche, seguro médico y de viaje y siempre y en toda circunstancia hemos recibido una ayuda veloz y un servicio de primera clase cada vez que ha sido preciso.

    Bsure se ha hecho cargo de mis seguros a lo largo de los últimos 12 años. You will discover no cause to pay a lot of one insurance plan seguros de motocicleta (motorbike insurance) provider when another one is willing to give you an improved cope.

    Caser Seguros for that their server is also located in Spain, as that enables the majority of their visitors to benefit from a much faster page cargar time.

    Then take a closer look at Spain Health Insurance. cuatro. Request the limitation to Bankia’s use of their personal data by Bankia, in which case the data will only be kept for the purposes of carrying out their requests (right of limitation). Araceli has worked over 2. years in the Space Industry, Publishing and Insurance acquiring expertise on customer liaison and management.

    Bankia undertakes to keep such data secret and guarantees that it will fulfil its duty to adopt all the necessary actions in storing them, in order to protect them against any alteration, loss, authorised processing or access, in accordance with the applicable law at any given time.