• Moore Rytter posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    Drugs can cause many adverse effects, long-lasting physical damage, and even death-without efficiently treating the condition for which it was developed. Surgery often removes vital organs, which can never replaced and whose absence can cause more difficulty than the organ itself was causing.

    The rate of deaths among health center patients soar compared to people with similar conditions and similar levels of intensity receiving care in the house.

    For such reasons holistic medicine-or, alternative medicine-is growing in popularity. Individuals want genuine answers to their physical challenges, not another drug. Holistic medicine provides those answers by looking at people as entire units, rather than parts.

    Alternative medicine includes such treatments as nutrition, energy healing, natural therapy, magnet therapy, oxygen therapy, acupuncture, exercise and homeopathic treatments. Even better, it puts the onus of responsibility on the patient instead of the practitioner. Any patient seeking help from the network of holistic medication soon familiarizes that they are anticipated to play an active, positive part in their treatment or healing.

    Here are seven reasons to prefer holistic medicine over conventional medicine.

    1. It deals with the root cause. Traditional medicine simply tries to remove or reduce signs.

    2. A person can securely go through several holistic techniques simultaneously. Someone with cancer, for example, might get a weekly massage, significantly change their diet plan, use magnet therapy, and go through chelation therapy. None of the techniques contraindicate the other.

    3. Holistic medicine methods deal with the body’s natural propensity to heal itself. I just wrote a blog entitled Picture Your holistic healing, holistic doctor, holistic healing, holistic nutritionist, holistic practitioner On Top. Read This And Make It So. You can find more information about

    holistic medicine here.Cutting out all processed food, taking particular herbs and committing to regular oxygen therapy, for example, might all jump-start the body’s natural recovery reserves.

    4. It’s non-toxic. Holistic medicine, whether homeopathy, organic treatment, or energy healing will never cause any harmful side effects, and certainly not death. Drugs can cause, and have caused, both.

    5. Natural medicine is effective. Obviously, the same healing technique won’t always deal with 2 people with the same condition in the same way. Nevertheless, the professionals are trained to seek out various solutions, taking individual differences into account. When they find the best solution, healing speeds up.

    6. There is no addiction risk connected with holistic medicine. Drugs can become extremely addictive, even when taken in the appropriate amounts.

    7. Holistic medicine is completely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Particular herbs must not be taken by females who are either pregnant or nursing, and any kind of detoxification can possibly harm the child. However, they can still receive acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, and a host of other alternative treatments.

    It’s time to take a hard look at what modern-day medicine has become, and start promoting for more conventional, natural, and safer ways of preventing and treating disease.