Social media sites such as FACEBOOK and TWITTER have are the established means for individuals and companies to open their lives to the world through the Internet. To join rare group. Attorney Et Al, LLC is creating the very first social media site devoted and directed to attorneys with offerings ad services which neither Facebook nor Twitter can offer Attorney Et Al, LLC pioneered computerized legal education for attorneys by developing the first state approved computerized legal education verification process for distant learning. Attorney Et Al did not patent its technology but gave it free to the world which has embraced it and its concept to expand distant learning into virtually every mainstream college and university.
Before Attorney Et Al, it was impossible for an attorney to complete his or her participatory CLE requirement by any means other than a live lecture. It took an entire year to convince the California bar of the merits of offering continuing education by Internet or cdrom. I had to develop the first working program for the computerized verification of participatory study. Then I had to convince the state bar that it worked. After an entire year of work, I finally succeeded. Now education online or cdrom is the norm but only because I pioneered and developed the IT technology.
Additionally, Attorney Et Al, developed the first electronic legal bookstore on the Internet. When in 1995, when Attorney Et Al began there were no conversion programs for Word or WordPerfect to html or vice versa. It took over a year to convince the State of Bar of California that continuing legal education could be conducted using a computer by a cdrom or online. Attorney Et Al had to first develop the IT technology for a verification program that would confirm attendance so that participatory CLE credit equal to that of an actual attendance at a live seminar could be given.
Now Attorney Et Al wishes to use both its technology and expertise in legal education to create a social media site for attorneys which will offer free continuing legal education to attorneys as well as free web sites and email, discussion boards as well as a place for attorneys to post articles, Attorney Et Al having developed continuing online legal education now will give its courses away free to attorneys along with the other services so as to generate traffic to the site. Attorney Et Al seeks to generate income from ads posted on the site
\In addition to the free cle courses and web sites, Attorney Et Al will have a discussion forum and well as a site for attorneys to post articles. Such a service is currently be doing by but it does not offer the free cle or free web sites. The significance of the free social media attributes is that is allows attorneys to showcase their professional skills. By posting their articles or participating in discussion boards they can advertise their professionalism ad legal expertise which can then generate more business. Other attorneys ad potential clients can see their articles. use them for research, ask questions and make referrals
Success in the venture is premised on Attorney et Al turning its CLE site into a free social media site by combining its continuing legal education site with the social media functions similar to those of Facebook as well with the discussion group and article posts fictions. In short we will offer services free to attorneys that is simply not being offered by anyone else.
So to maximize viewage and traffic to the site, Attorney Et Al has designed and will continue to improve its site by every means possible so as to attract virtually every attorney and legal professional to use its free services. To do so, the services and features given away free are:
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Attorney et Al is now giving away free to all attorneys its continuing legal courses and books. Presently there are 61 hours of cle course in seventeen courses with full length books covering a wide range of practical topics. More curses will be added each year for subjects sought by attorneys.Attorney Et Al is an approved cle provider in California, Colorado and Florida. As such it courses are accepted under reciprocity rules in nearly every state. | |
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Like Facebook, attorneys can sign up for free for a free web pages for them to post their thoughts, ideas, in short anything they want. Attorney Et Al will not track attorneys posts and will not market or sell their information. | |
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Like JDsupra Attorney Et Al wants attorneys to post informational articles and pleadings on the site. These posts will help other attorneys in their legal research and will also evidence the writer’s expertise for employment or judicial appointment. | |
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Like Craigslist, Attorney Et offers free classified advertising for services employment, investment and practice sales and personal property sales. Attorneys can reach other attorneys through the classified ads. | |
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One feature sorely missed in the legal community is a discussion board for attorneys. When Michael Lynn Gabriel President of Attorney Et Al ran for the State Bar of California’s Board of Governors years ago, he offered to create and maintain for free a discussion forum for the state bar which was rejected. The idea was good then is still good now and Attorney et Al will do what the state bar considered too complicated. | |
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To assist attorneys in their legal research we have created a compendium of links for legal resouces of each of the fifty states and Federal Courts. |
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If anyone can think of new features to add, then please let us know. We want to be address all needs to social media the practicing attorney both now and in the future. |
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All other social media sites require users to register to use their services. Not us. The only time any attorney will need to register is to get a free web page, free cle or participate in a discussion post. Registration for the cle is mandatory because all state bars require the cle provider to issue a certificate of completion to the attorney upon completion of the courses taken. To do that, we need the name and bar number of the attorney but only for the state bar. To give an attorney a web site or host a blog or to allow an attorney to participate in a discussion requires registration so we know who the attorney is but again that information is only between the attorney and us and is not going for third party marketing. |